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What is the dual hourly rate?

The dual hourly rate offers a more advantageous rate than the single rate for energy used at night as well as during the weekend and public holidays. On the other hand, the rate is slightly higher than the single rate for energy used during the daytime.

The dual hourly rate can be applied when there is an operational dual hourly rate meter with two counters. One records the energy used during the day and the other the energy used at night and during the weekend.

Whether or not it is advantageous to opt for a dual hourly rate depends on your individual electricity consumption.

Make the most of the quieter period at night and during the weekend

Dual hourly rate

The principle of the dual hourly rate is to benefit from two different rates: a slightly higher rate during the daytime rate and a reduced rate at night and during the weekend. These two rates concern the price of the power you use (set by your energy supplier) but also the distribution costs. The precise breakdown of the times depends on the commune where you live (link in French).

To benefit from a dual hourly rate and the advantages it offers, you must:

  • have a dual hourly rate electricity meter with two different dials. These start and stop alternately at the beginning of each of the two rate periods.
  • ask Sibelga, the distribution system operator, to activate the relay on this meter so that the energy you use at different times is recorded separately.
  • organise your electricity consumption appropriately and use the appliances that consume the most electricity at night and during the weekend. (see also: What are the advantages of the dual hourly rate?)


The dual hourly rate meter with its two counters must not be confused with other specific meters:

  • The A+/A- bidirectional meter which is provided and installed by Sibelga if you generate electricity using photovoltaic panels, a CHP system or wind. This A+/A- meter measures the energy supplied to your home separately from that which you send to the network when the volume of power generated by solar panels is greater than that which you use.
  • The night-only meter which is used only at night to measure the consumption of storage appliances.

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