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What do I have to do with my gas and electricity connection if I move house?

Moving house? Put energy at the top of your list and take the following steps.

Inform your energy supplier (at least a month in advance). They will explain the procedure to follow. Moving house may be a good time to change supplier.

To obtain the final bill for your old address, send the meter reading to your supplier.

How do you have the meters at your new address put in your name?

  • Find out the EAN codes of your new address (via the owner or via Sibelga).
  • Note the meter readings when you take receipt of the keys. Pass this information on to your (new) supplier.

Prepare your move in good time

Move house

If you move, it is important to take the following points into account.

Contact your energy supplier

The first question you need to ask yourself when you move is: are you staying with your current energy supplier?

  • If so, let them know that you are moving one month in advance.
  • If not, inform them that you are terminating your contract, bearing in mind the period of notice (one month or two months).

Get the final bill for your old address

Your supplier can only send you the final bill when they have the meter readings. There are two possible scenarios here:

  • You leave the meters open.

This is recommended if you know who the next occupier is to be. Note down your meter readings on the day you move and pass them on to your supplier by telephone, e-mail or on their website within seven calendar days.
To avoid disputes later on, it is best to fill in the removal form from Brugel giving the meter readings and have it signed by the new occupier or the owner. Keep this form in a safe place.

  • You have the meters closed.

See also question: Do I have to have my electricity or gas meters closed if I move house?

Obtaining electricity and/or natural gas at your new address

Before you move, request the EAN code of each gas and electricity supply point in your new home. If the owner or occupier is unable to give you these codes, contact Sibelga or search online for your EAN-code. Pass these EAN codes on to your (new?) energy supplier.

  • Pass on the EAN codes to your supplier
  • Transferring the meters to your name

On the day you move in, note down the meter readings. Pass these readings on to your supplier by telephone, e-mail or on their website within seven calendar days.
To avoid disputes later on, it is also best to fill in the removal form  and have it signed by the owner or the previous occupier. Keep this form in a safety place.

Have the meters opened again if they are closed/sealed. Contact Sibelga for this.

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